Pinstock - Accomplice (Official Music Video)

Hello I'm writing this oh I guess as a journal or something. It was a pretty interesting day. I saw my sons video it's the one you just watched. I thought it was pretty good(no matter who he is) I have to admit it kind of depresses me. I had to turn to my kids for inspiration. It should be the other way around. That's Ok. The Research Academy that's studying me says that for so long I was only using the part of my brain that rationalizes.(That's a joke.) I don't know what to think. I always thought that I was a pretty good judge of talent and what's a good thing. I guess not I don't seem to be all that fortuitous right now. I will keep writing for the hope that something positive comes from it. The life cycle is really mysterious. Where were my Angels, Ah Ha I just realized where my Angels were when I was younger, You just watched one. 

And just like that the years got wasted away. For a little while, the mood returned to Gray
Yet the thought of Angels and things I cannot see, Forced me to realize that which is important to me
30 years ago I thought my Angel was lost, But see he's an Accomplice now and a little boss. 
Somehow I forgot, the Jackpot of all, My Three Sons, Like the show and all. So here's to time and the Perfect Moment, When you read this Shane, Dad will have his moment. 
                                       Copyright o3             2021
What Kind of Donations Do Homeless Shelters Take? | Pocketsense
What Kind of Donations Do Homeless Shelters Take? | Pocketsense


Really, Really impressed!! BUBBYLOU!!!!!

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